Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving done right!

There’s something about the Thanksgiving holiday that just puts me at ease.  The rest, relaxation and family seem to be just what the doctor ordered. 

Every year my family makes the trip down to New Mexico for a handful of days shared with my family.  My grandparents have a farm a few miles outside of a small town, that offers a million things one wouldn’t find in their normal lives.  The Farm is a magical place that has been the anchor of our family for as long as I’ve been alive.  Family members from all over the country arrive every Thanksgiving to take in the small town feel, quiet surroundings and amazing Mexican food! 

As you pull into the drive of the Farm, you pass the pond that is surrounded with huge trees that have poured their leaves onto the front yard and nicely raked into huge piles for the kids to jump into.  As you enter the house, the sound of the old wood floors under your feet greet you with a welcoming squeak and creak.  Hugs start flowing and the chatter begins on what has been happening with everyone for the past year.  The kids (the number seems to grow every year) quickly reunite with their cousins and start trekking around the Farm in search of things they won’t see at their homes.  Plenty of open space, tree house, pond, ducks, and great outdoors!  Grandpa’s truck looks like it could be the brother of “Mater” from the movie ‘Cars’ sits in the drive with the keys in it and an open invitation for the kids to practice their driving along the back roads of the Farm.  Yes, there is adult supervision, but where else can an 11 year old boy get behind the wheel and take a ride? 

Thanksgiving day arrives as the family goes for a world record in cramming as many people as possible into the tiny country kitchen.  There is ham being carved, turkey tasting at your own risk and heavy whipping cream being poured into everything we can.  Desserts are being prepped and appetites are growing!  We all sit down for our meal, occupying three of four tables that we hook together to support a comfy, yet manageable dining experience.  You can hear the kids laughing, adults chattering and occasionally just the quiet of the day.  It takes little time for plates to be cleaned and the kids to escape back to the majesty of the Farm and the adults heading to the living room for some football and nap time.  Let’s face it, we are no match for the powers of the tryptophan and 3 slices of pie.  Couches and recliners are jammed with people looking for a place to get some shut eye.  Soon, snores fill the room and heads are bobbing as the football game fades to a distant sound.  Ahh, gotta love that.

Before the time comes for everyone to head back to the reality of their lives, we spend more time as a family with a dinner out at the best Mexican food restaurant you will ever find.  Following that, a game of bowling at the local bowling alley and a chance for greatness to be on display.  We usually occupy 4 lanes and about 15 or 16 “bowlers” and it’s a great outing for the group as the kids bank balls off the bumpers and the adults battle one another for bragging rights. 

Now tell me, is that a Thanksgiving or what?  Hopefully you get to have the same experiences and memories as my family is blessed enough to have during this magical time.  It’s just about the time that we shed those extra pounds we so rightfully gained over the holiday that we start to yearn for the next time.  Thanksgiving is a great thing when done right, I’m happy to be a part of a family and tradition that offers up the perfect holiday!

Friday, November 18, 2011

No NBA? No Problem!!

So the latest drama in the world of professional sports surrounds the inability for owners and players to decide how to share many, many millions of dollars.  Hummm.....  I have a few thoughts on that.  Still, we the fans are faced with the very good chance of missing an entire NBA season.

How do I feel about that?  Well, I think the absence of prima donnas  walking up and down the hardwood in search of their next 1-1 matchup... won't cause me to lose any sleep.  So we won't see the high-flying slam dunks or the flops in search of a foul.  We won't get to see grown men behave like babies when they are whistled for a foul and somehow feel the need to argue and throw their hands in the air in disbelief.

What happened to the days of David Robinson, Charles Barkley, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Hakeem Olajuwon  and Dominique Wilkins?  This was an era of true NBA hoops.  There was respect, athleticism, competitiveness and passion.  Sure they scared many of us with the short shorts and high fade hair cuts.  Still, they played the game it was intended to be played.  They hustled, dove on the floor, shared the basketball and played team defense.  There wasn't any flopping or crying to officials.  There wasn't multi-million dollar punks with Slick Rick agents up in the suite.  It was a time for the game to be the game.

So, if we are faced with winter without Kobe, Lebron and attitude..... I think we will survive.  Don't fret as there is an entirely different option for us hoop fans.  It's called the NCAA!!  It will remind you of why you love the game and why you really don't like the NBA.  A bunch of kids leaning on the memory of the movie "Hoosiers" and dreaming of the next level.  Still pure, honest and with ethics, these kids play the game hard and with pride.  They are representing their schools, friends and families.  They don't have agents driving cars that auto-park themselves.  They don't have endorsements and contracts that taint them and push them to believe they can't get wet in the shower.  They are people just like you and me.  They are basketball players.  So enjoy a basketball season in the college world and start printing out as many March Madness brackets as you can.

Yes, you can still wear the Carmelo Anthony jersey you spent way too much for.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Really? Driving gloves???

Okay, when I think about driving gloves, I think about some high rollin’ cat in Italy racing around in his Ferrari!  I think about mountain roads filled with incredible scenery and an occasional hair-pin turn that needs managed.  You know, like what you see in a commercial or Hollywood flick. 

This morning, I caught a glimpse of the driving gloves right here in my own backyard.  It’s 7:15 in the morning and I’ve started the joyous trek that is my normal commute.  I’m sippin’ on some coffee and listening to anything that isn’t Beyonce.  Just minding my own business.  Then, out of nowhere, pulls up this blue Porche 911.  It was sweet.  As I glanced over to take in the machine, I caught a glimpse of the driver… a man in his early 40’s and dressed nicely with the wavy hair and unnecessary sunglasses.  I thought to myself, “now here’s a dude that has some place to go”.  As a started to return my eyes to the light in anticipation of GREEN, I saw them.  Right there and perched upon his steering wheel.  DRIVING GLOVES!!!

So, it isn’t cold enough to require gloves on the morning commute.  30 degrees is very tolerable and from my initial assessment, I’m guessing this guy has a garage where he keeps this blue beauty.  So, the gloves can’t be to support the frigid climate as I’m assuming he didn’t take a step out into the elements, but instead just plopped down in the plush leather of his drivers’ seat.  Could the gloves be for performance driving?  Maybe – but there isn’t much opportunity for performance driving in the hustle and bustle of the rat race on a Monday morning.  I don’t get it!!  Is it just a fashion statement that escapes my average Joe style?  Perhaps the driving accessories came with the ride and he signed some pact that states he will forever don the gloves while pushing the 400+hp?  I don’t know.  What I do know is that I saw a dude wearing driving gloves. 

I don’t care what you drive.  I don’t care how cool your hair is.  There is no place for driving gloves.  To prove my point, I think I will race out and get some Isotoners on sale and sport them on my drive home.  I will wear them as if I have some place to be and all others should question their own selves and have to answer the question why they aren’t cool enough.  I shall collect laugher, finger-pointing and hopefully a harassing honk to prove my point!