Monday, January 30, 2012

Girl Scout Cookies.... can't resist

We have all been there.  Sittin' on the couch watching the game on a Saturday afternoon when the doorbell rings.  We rise to our feet and head to the front door assuming it's the neighbor kids looking for your own kids to play with.  We can't prepare for what comes next.

As the door swings open, my eyes travel downward in anticipation of a little person asking for one of my boys. Instead, it's a cute little girl in the 8 year old range with a cute little vest, hair in pig tails and a red wagon of goodies by her side.  Oh no... I'm not ready for this.

Clinging to the memory of the 157 calories I just burned through 30 minutes of elliptical hell, I know that I shouldn't have these morsels in my house.  I know they will only cause me pain and guilt.  They are one step away from being deemed an illegal substance for their ability to pull you in and force consumption at mass quantities.  Still, they sit there in her little red wagon all stacked nicely and sorted by box color.  I know what they are, don't need the color coded system to alert me to the Samoas and the Thin Mints.  Ugh, I can do this.  I can fight back!!

Then... like a little angel the petite little one starts her speech.  Ouch, the words cut like knives.  The boxes seem to now be glowing in her wagon.  My ears start to ring and my stomach starts to growl.  Stay strong man!  She continues with her braces and shiny smile, knowing that she has me on the ropes.  I try not to let her see me prematurely reach for my wallet.  I'm wobbling.  I'm staring defeat right in the face.  Can't ... feel.... legs..... vision.... blurring....

Then the moment comes when I succumb to the pressure and sense of obligation.  I can't recall what the funds will be used for, all I know is that I have to race to get these things into my house!  So, with a sense of authority, I say "Sure, I will buy a couple of boxes.".  What I didn't know is that a couple of boxes would quickly turn to 10!!  Dangit!!  I lost the battle.  I faced the tiny person in the green vest and she kicked my butt.

Now, as I look for something healthy to eat in the cabinet and come up short..... I can grab a sleeve of the Thin Mint beauties and think about all the other options I could have while popping them one by one.  Don't judge me - you know that you have the rainbow of colored boxes in your cabinet too.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Onward and upward...

Sorry for the delay in postings, but it's been a whirlwind of activities since the holidays.  Nevertheless, I'm back and thought I would tackle the idea of moving on.

How many of you have seen the movie 'Groundhog Day'?  You know, when you wake up every day to the same routine and happenings from the day prior, and the day before that, etc.  That is what I've been living with my current company,  role and position for three years.  Each day, arriving to the ivory tower of corporate America to repeat the same activities, reports and activities of so many weeks and months before.

So - when does it stop?  For me....  it will stop in two weeks as I have informed my employer that I can take no mas!!  What a liberating feeling.  What an elevated mindset that comes from the clearing of your mind and the push back to things that simply don't make sense.  We all have those feelings of frustration from time to time, and usually, we can fight through them and take them for what they are and just move on.  There are some times though that you need to stand tall and make change.  Sure it might be a little scary and weird (kinda like the first time you try sushi), but then when you have your thoughts in line and can rise above the fog of the madness... calmness and confidence appear.

I believe my decision defines "STOP THE STOOPID".  If you aren't happy, make a change.  If you don't like something, make a change.  If you are stagnant and bored.... make a change!!  This can be with anything that we deal with in our lives.  We can find ourselves spending too much time sitting naked on the couch eating Cheetos.  While very fun and relaxing, there has to be an end to it.  You may ask yourself why you haven't yet started that project, book or workout routine.  Well, the answer is that YOU are in control of YOU!  So simply make the call and take action.

Yes, you need to have your ducks in a row and move forward sans reckless abandon.... but that part is easy.  Find out what it is that you want and start taking the strides to get there.  No more excuses.  Simply make change.  The great thing about making change is that if it poops the bed - you make change again!  You know that saying that a rolling stone gathers no moss.... well, that is true.  It doesn't have to come in the form of a resignation, but can come in the easiest version of some small steps to make change that improves your day to day!!

I type with freedom and joy as I embrace my upcoming change and I challenge you to look at your day to day and see what it is that you wish was different.  Then, have a brief conversation with yourself and come up with the approach to start making change that works for you.  You then can smile and nod your head as though a little Milli Vanilli was playing in the background and know that you're en route to something better.  Doesn't matter the size of the steps you take, any steps in the right direction will feel great.

Word to all of you - and remember.... STOP THE STOOPID!