Tuesday, February 15, 2011

30 million smackaroos

Really?  You see, this is the problem with professional sports.  Athletes are becoming bigger than themselves with media, fans, merchandise and EGOS.  While popping up MSN for a little work relief, I see that Mr. Pujols down there in St. Louis in on the cusp of a contract that will pay him about $30 million a year....  TO PLAY BASEBALL!  Are you kidding me?

Americans wonder why we need to sell vital organs on the black market to afford tickets to a professional sporting event?  By the way, do I have one or two spleens?  In my opinion, playing a sport and having that be your job that earns you a paycheck of any kind is magic.  It's something that 99% of us can't get our arms around.  We work for the man and earn our little paycheck so that we can worry about college tuitions and the cost of health insurance while still trying to carve a little out so we can take the family to the game.  Well, let me run it down for ya.  Parking $20, Tickets (4) $140, Hot Dogs and drinks $35, foam finger thingy for boy #1 $8, flat billed hat for boy #2 $35, seventh inning cotton candy $10.  So, the total for a FUN family outing to cheer on your home team...  $248!!  And that is assuming you didn't get a parking ticket while you were applying sun screen.  (please note that the above costs aren't accurate and assume that you already screamed at Boy #2 twice for asking for the authentic jersey at $199)

Interestingly enough, I think I read where Alex Rodriguez discovered $248 last week in his couch cushions!

Free agency and the lack of team/community loyalty is a horrible lesson for each of us and future generations.  It's okay that we're not a RIGHT NOW (insert Veruca Salt character from Willy Wonka here) society.  It's okay to work for a championship in Cleveland - despite how many years it takes.  It's okay to bear through the late 1970's Houston Astros uniforms and work for better.  Take my friend 'Melo here in Denver.  Tired of losing to the Lakers?  Work harder!  A person shouldn't be able to announce "I want to win a championship" and demand a trade.  I tried that magical power the other day... I said "I want a foot massage" - guess what happened... NADA.  There wasn't an agent in a shiny suit with a stupid blue tooth ear piece in and flashy pinky ring there to react to my demand.  I wasn't immediately shipped to China's foot massage district!

Our superstars are Wonder Woman (hot), Incredible Hulk, He-Man and Mary Katherine Gallager (different kind of superstar).  Those are superstars!  These impostors in uniforms that pretend to have true passion for the game are only a bigger contract away from calling a press conference to tell you how bad your town is and how they just aren't understood.  Oh, I understand alright.  I understand that you feel entitled to drive 12 million miles an hour and not get a ticket.  How you should be able to carry a concealed weapon.  How some of the green found in your glove box couldn't possibly be yours.

I also understand how you aren't a role model for anyone....  maybe stop for a second while you're looking in the mirror to adjust that 4 ct. diamond hunk in your ear and see if you can channel the voices of those that were inspirations in your life.  Your fans long for it - bring back the passion for the game, not the dollar.

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