Thursday, February 10, 2011

Corporate Madness

It can't just be me that grows tired of all the unnecessary that occurs in the halls of ivory towers.  Sure, I realize not everything can be simple and straight-forward, however there has to be more that can and should be.  I happily make my commute every morning with optimism and hope.  Both of those visions are lost somewhere on the trip to the coffee maker at about 8:15am.  Things should be easier.  Being a satisfied and productive employee shouldn't require a secret decoder ring that is bestowed upon only those that have sipped the red Kool-aid and repeated the oath of the inefficient.

I think we should start an effort to MINIMIZE the meetings, acronyms and politics.  I don't want to worry if I offended my boss with a shot I took at Oprah earlier in the day.  I don't like the feeling of my head on a swivel as I look for the next bus that is certainly heading my way.  Do I really need to keep every email I receive and send as proof that I didn't say that?  Yes, I realize the life of the middle manager is a tough one.  but let's not pretend that the ability to produce the perfect Powerpoint presentation is equal to landing a date with Heidi Klum.  It isn't.

My message to Corporate America is to quit taking yourselves so seriously.  Become a company that people want to be associated with.  Happy employees are powerful ones and should be treated with respect, challenge and reward. Lead by intimidation and you shall lead no one.  Big wigs need not draft a memo... instead, hold an all hands meeting with cookies to share your genius.  Fact: people like cookies.  Get to know those that are driving the success of your operation.  From the Executive layer to the middle manager..... personalize things and become a team.  Don't schedule a meeting with that go-to Powerpoint presentation to tell everyone you really are a team - instead, do something different and non-corporate like.  

I thank you for reading my vent session surrounding the wonderful world of Corporate America.  Please know that I'm not an angry person, only feeling a bit of squeeze in my 9-5 lately.  Hopefully my venting has somehow allowed a virtual vent for you as well and we can all look forward to the optimism and hope that our next commute offers.

My general apology as this is my first blog and I'm confident I will get better as time goes on like a fine wine, the value of baseball cards and Betty White.  I shall reach across ALL topics and you won't find that I'm stuck in this angry circle of my 9-5 as that isn't the case.  I look forward to the next topic and blog-thingy that expores more ways to stop the stoopid in our lives!

Enjoy the day!

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