Monday, February 28, 2011

Commute anyone?

Each morning I wake up to a nasty alarm clock (after carefully calculating how many 13 minute snooze durations I can get and still be on time) just blaring at me with no patience, manners or understanding of the weekend I just completed.  Knocking the eye boogers away, I drag my butt outta bed and go through the routine of a shower, getting dressed, collection of work stuff and a coffee to go.  There - I'm out the door and on my way....

Mondays seem to be the toughest.  They don't require any help from other events to make the day any poopier than it already is.  Still, I think all the commuting rats in the race try to find ways to kick their fellow drones in the shin on their way to their ivory towers.  Is it a game to them?  Intentional?  Should they be blamed or are they just in a trance and unaware of their idiotic tendencies?  Let me share with you my morning travels today...

All starts off as planned with the first mile completely uneventful as I listen to the radio, humming a little jingle from the Bieber.  No, I don't have Bieber-Fever, but that little turkey has some catchy lyrics.  Careful, before you know it you will be sporting the skinny jeans and Beiber haircut!  I digress.  I'm taking the normal path into the office and there is a stretch of road where the left lane merges into the right.  You know these are always the most challenging for our fellow drivers.  My issue is that I KNOW these knuckleheads take this path every morning too.  They know where the road merges.  They know what they are doing.  Still, they make the choice. They see the cars that are taking their medicine, lined up in the right lane and waiting patiently for traffic to scoot along.  I'm in the right lane.

Then comes the moment of truth.  I see in my rear view mirror the target coming up in the quickly ending left lane.  It's crunch time.  Do I or don't I?  I GIVE, I GIVE.  I let the impatient traveler in.  I know, sounds so weak of me, but I figure it's early in the week and I can use the positive karma as the days go by.  Then comes the point at which I have to physically restrain my right leg from hammering on the gas and ramming this wonderful gentleman right in the "trunk".  I let him in...  where's the wave?  WHERE IS THE FRICKIN' THANK YOU WAVE??  Nope.  Apparently, he is entitled to enter any lane he chooses.  He need not adhere to the rules.  I now feel as though the hope for good karma wasn't worth it.  I shall look for his vehicle tomorrow, oh yes, he will suffer.

My blood comes down from boil and is now at a manageable simmer as I continue my voyage.  I'm nearing my destination and before I can arrive safely, I have one more obstacle to overcome.  A lady, a nice looking professional lady driving what should have been a broom is apparently is late for her 8:00 arrival where she is likely the VP of POOP for some lucky company.  I'm minding the laws and exiting on a long off-ramp from the Interstate (Bieber has left the radio by this point). I'm traveling at a fair speed and keeping up with the vehicles in front of me which are also exiting.  I notice behind me, the "Broom" is now quite close to the back of my ride.  Hmmm... maybe she doesn't realize how close she is.   I look again and see what appears to be flailing arms.  That certainly can't be aimed at me.  Wouldn't be surprised if she had one of those cool bluetooth things and was screaming at one of her minions or something.  I continue down the exit as she pulls up next to me - those arms of hers still flailing and now her beady little eyes were staring right at me.  Really?  She's upset with me?  What had I done?  I'm not a licensed lip reader, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night and could easily make out the point she was making.  She was recommending that I do horrible things to myself.  That just isn't kind.  Still, looking for the elusive Karma pass, I hold back the longest finger on my hand.  I don't present it to her.  I give her the "blah, blah, blah" motion.  You know it, the opening and closing of your hand like a crazy lady on a broom is yelling at you for no reason.   While she didn't like it, it managed to shut her up.  Success.

I think I would have felt better had a given her the "gesture", but I was proud of the stance I took.  I indeed was the better person in that moment.  Tomorrow, well tomorrow is another day and will come with a commute where I fully plan to let someone else be the better person.

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